Thursday, August 31, 2006

Famous quotes: Or things I have heard

Certain words and phrases always seem to catch our attention in life when we have heard things over the years. People we meet along the way help our hearts determine what we like and dislike.

When one looks back to reflect on some things we can usually laugh. Like a US senator I met once. He was an old southern type gentleman. Mind you I just use the phrase gentleman to describe him. That is a phrase which many people can relate to it is not because that is what I think a gentleman should actually be. I am a pretty naive person on many things. Many would call me slow. It is okay I just don't think like other people do on a lot of things. Or well until something negative happens. I think that is how most generally people are when cheated or bashed we get extremely defensive.

Well this old senator had been a senator for seventeen years. He was from the Midwest and at the time it was my first trip East of the Missouri River or even East of Montana or Colorado. The man was asking me about the politics where we lived. I told him I really did not pay a whole lot of attention to politics. "Okay" he said, "Well what's the hottest political race you know of. Surely there must be some political news." I thought for a moment and said, "Well I suppose it's the sheriff's race". He asked me why. "Well" I responded, "They say he is a crook but he has always been good to me. So I don't know of anything bad he has done". He said, "Awe Honey, why you can't be a sheriff without being crooked. I know I was a sheriff here for seventeen years."

I pondered that for a moment and thought to myself. "Well if he was a sheriff and crooked he is probably a crooked US senator."

So between that experience and a few others along the way I am very cautious about which party I vote for. Yet then again. I had another former state representative tell me once, "There ain't no money in politics anymore. They have made it to hard to make any real money." From all the recent news on politicians getting popped for illegal activities and taking money for favors. I don't really think that is true.

Then again so many people have become complacent in accepting that is the way to do business. Either pay someone off for protection, make a deal to partner with a large corporation or get wiped out. This is truly a said state of affairs for "We the people", are ruled over by big money operations. We the people are no longer safe to operate a small privately owned legitamite businesses. Even in rural America.

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