Saturday, September 02, 2006

Going Broke America Style

Buy high sell for little to nothing. Then start over after you have been financially stripped. As you look around it seems like there is a push to borrow, borrow. So many how to increase your credit score and build your credit pieces of advice out there in lala land. Borrow yourself into oblivion for something new or even worse a vacation trip to Disney Land. Our mailbox used to be full of 0% percent credit cards encouraging us to buy now interest free for up to six months. Then in fine print all the little ifs were printed. I wonder how many people actually read all that fine print?

When life went to credit hell around us I would get these nasty people calling for me at my parents. We went there to my parents to rest for a reprieve after the sheriff threatening to arrest me for filing a complaint about a break-in at the mine site and all. Then Wells Fargo empowering the sheriff in charge of collecting for them with full graces of the court of course. (Silly me when the dozer was stolen I had no clue it was the sheriff who helped break-in over there). I tell people the whole story about what happened and the majority tells me he should be in jail. Only in Iowa can an eighty thousand dollar dozer be stolen with no consequences of legal action following the theft. It was obvious what the sheriff would do with empowerment by the court to plunder, pillage and rob me. He did more than even I thought he would. He refused to have my representative present while he raided our house and shop and the mine site. “Have gun will travel” squarely printed on his business cards as he went around bullying people to give him Rod’s equipment.

Back to the credit collectors for one credit card I had. I tell this goon why I cannot pay the obligation. I tried fully explaining as much as possible and politely as I can about our penniless down and out circumstances in short. The guy was rude and as obnoxious as I can ever remember any collector being. He told me in probably twenty ways I was a loser, committing fraud according to the law in the State of New Jersey and a deadbeat. Then after all his rude and crappy comments about what a sleazy person I was. He says to me, "If you don't pay this you are going to be in really bad trouble!" It hit my funny bone. After all I had been threatened for arrest for simply trying to report a major theft. An out of control sheriff back in Iowa raiding our home and making sure we were stripped of anything of value and nobody doing a thing to stop him Threaten by the Wells Fargo banker for refusing to give my signature on a release. We done gone through the nightmare of people vandalizing our equipment trying to survive it all for four years. Shot at by my neighbors, on and on.... Some little creep from New Jersey on the phone thinks he can intimidate me. After mjorly attempting to tell me what a low life I was he was telling me "Your going to be in really, really bad trouble.." He made me laugh. Then it came out of my mouth without thinking "Ewww, you gonna take away my birthday." With nothing left what more could he do to me. The guy sounded like a punk and a thug over the phone. In my mind there was a clear mental picture of him. Surely you can imagine and he was from New Jersey. He started screaming and I hung up the phone and laughed at his ignorance. Then wondered to myself why in the world would anyone hire such a punk to call on people.

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