Monday, October 27, 2008

The country is in and econ o my breakdown

With e con o my operating the financial system we can all be grateful they have done such a great job. They have deregulated and monopolized themselves and everyone else into the crisis called "The Financial meltdown of 2008".

Bringing this country into a Depression Era crisis as the leaders of this country filled their own pockets, stood by and watch. I would like to bless each and everyone who had a hand in stripping the American citizen of this country with the same fate that Wells Fargo has blessed my husband and I.

The Lord says we are to bless our enemies so for you who would see to destroy my Lord's people I wish blessings of truth for you as you have very little in you.

For those willing to stand against the corruption of these worldly men who seek to destroy others for their own greedy gain I ask that the Lord bless you with health, wealth and spirit to battle the beasts of this world.

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