Saturday, August 25, 2007

Family operated businesses are at risk

More people asking for help from our lawmakers on Capital Hill. Support reform for justice when courts abuse victims of fraud.

The blog "Fraud Upon The Court" relays messages all should be aware of.

Courts allowing and helping companies like Wells Fargo to abuse and traumatize victims after they have helped to destroy them financially is fraud upon the court. When Wells Fargo uses the law enforcement officials who are an arm of the court to steal private property it is fraud upon the court. Courts consider attorneys and law enforcement an extention of the arm of the court therefore as a citizen in court you have no rights if you do not have a legal degree and are not a member of the bar association. The ethical conduct standards for court administration and legal standards demonstrates a bias against any average citizen. This evidenced in written standards for ethical conduct.

In Iowa a person that borrowed money is automactically considered guilty of whatever charge is made by the bank. We were told it is an open and shut case because I had borrowed the money. This does not negate from the fact that the bank padded, doctored and solicites a borrower with a concept. Their proposals look very inviting but rememberthat the proposal have to be packaged with pretty paper and ribbons otherwise the borrowers would not participate.

When the bank decides they have bled you long enough regardless if the claim is inaccurate and untruthful that the bank makes against you the current system concurs with the bank. A bank or servicing company for this bank can and will in many cases even work to recieve your family members personal property. Your family members property and assets are not safe from these predators when they decide to go after you.

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