Thursday, August 30, 2007

Help for fraud victims of Wells fargo

If you arrived at this site seeking help for the fraud committed by Wells Fargo I encourage you to make sure you if you are getting an attorney, get one that does not work for Wells Fargo first. Check their background. Be very careful in seeking help. Find every resource available. You can research federal laws at the Cornell Law website. Find out what your local state laws are. In our case Wells Fargo managed somehow to circumvent every state law I found even the Court Rules that claim when fraud is discovered by the court the court must take action in favor of the victim. I would hate to see this happen to another. Educate yourself if you can. The information is available on the Internet. In our case it was as an attorney stated to me a total "Scorched Earth policy." We suffered a massive burn and bury that included our original attorney Steve Wandro and law enforcement helping Wells Fargo. Hopefully this will not happen to you.

If Wells Fargo has not filed against you in court already you can file a complaint with the OCC/Office of the Comptroller of Currency, [note, this does not mean it will do you any good]. You can also file with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. You can file a copy of your missing money, shortchange accounts, and your other issues such as altered documents from Wells Fargo with your attorney generals office too, results will depend on the integrity of your particular state's attorney general office. You may want to consider having multiple copies made and send one to each office. There is no guarantee you will be able to recover what has been stolen but you can try and I hope you find an attorney and officials in your state that will help you. As many of the attorneys told me along the way, they have to make a living too. So they cannot afford to take on a large beast even when they would like too. Finding an attorney to actually help you may be very hard as most either work for the large corporate companies that have control over our political justice system and major politics in the country. You need to know that the majority of laws and judges are not conducive in helping prose defendants. Judges on a whole will not respect a crime victim as you seek justice if you have been majorly cheated or abused by the authorities and these large corporations. If you are expecting justice or reparations for losses from others actions please do not get your hopes up in many states and areas throughout the nation. That does not mean to give up, it just means don't expect justice because it may not to be there in the courts. Now days many courts are merely a place for highly paid attorneys and judges to twist the law to favor corporations and ignore abuses by authorities even when these abuses are clear and concise.

The OCC simply sent me back a letter from the banker that denied any wrong doing to the OCC. The documents prove otherwise but the OCC claimed they could do nothing about it because Wells Fargo already had me in court. They also would not help My husband even though he was not a party to the court action or on my corporate loan.

If you have elderly family members that have banked with a bank Wells Fargo has assumed or took over you may wish to review all of their records to insure they received proper credit and no overcharges. I would personally not trust wire transfers from any Wells Fargo to Wells Fargo banks or banks that are owned by Wells Fargo that have not had a name change.

Fraudulent practices are very hard to recover from. That does not mean give up or do not try to recover what has been taken from you++. Hopefully others will learn how to protect themselves better from what victims of Wells Fargo have already experienced.

Wells Fargo has had a free ride for a long time as they make deals to take public taxpayers funds and say they will put in buildings and give local jobs in favor of officials overlooking their illegitimate practices.

The best one can do is ask our political leaders in our states & Washington to protect the people they are representing for better controls to stop these type of predators because no one is safe from these wolves in sheep's clothing. We need legislation to help fraud victims recover their losses from the types of criminal activities that we have in common. Legislation that will immediatly stop illegal practices from continueing in the courts. This legislation needs to be retroactive and proactive. Corporate fraud should have no times limits. People such as those who suffered losses from Eron and those who have been cheated by banks should be able to recover at any time the fraudulent nature of these practices have been revealed.

Those with loans from Wells Fargo and those with their money in the care & trust of Wells Fargo both suffer from the things that you were searching for when you arrived at this site. Wells Fargo stole and assumed my identy and the Iowa courts here promoted, supported and allowed it to happen. Evidence and testimony of fraudulent activity was worse than ignored. Evidence and facts were twisted 360 degrees opposite of the actual evidenced facts of the case by the judge in his ruling. Then it was allowed to stand in the state Appeals Court and the state Supreme Court. I have only one very limited experience in federal court so I cannot personally comment on the federal court system.

A few states have started taking actions. Check with your state attorney generals office if you are a victim to see what is being done or if anything has been done to stop these predatory and illegal actions. Become informed even if you have not suffered great losses. If you can take action to protect yourself and your neighbors before it happens.

"OCC’s examiners found numerous and recurring deficiencies in Wells’s BSA compliance program from 1999 through 2004. Among the deficiencies identified were weak internal controls over the program, inadequate independent testing of business lines, lack of BSA oversight, and failure to file suspicious activity reports (SAR) in accordance with regulations and program requirements."

Monday, August 27, 2007

Government Accountability

I salute Senator Chuck Grassley for pursuing government accountability.

When mistakes are made own up and quit hiding behind authority of your positions who ever you are. Don't hide the truth and work to make a victim out of the whistle blowers.

FBI Whistleblower Jane Turner